Dr Daryl Fernandes
Chief Executive
Daryl is the founder and Chief Executive of Ludger. He gained his doctorate in structural analysis of biological oligosaccharides at the Glycobiology Institute, University of Oxford in the 1980s, was a consultant on biopharmaceutical glycoprofiling to Monsanto and G.D. Searle and helped spin out Oxford GlycoSciences (OGS) from the University. OGS was the third high-technology company to spin out of Oxford University and specialised in glycoanalysis products and services for biopharma.
Daryl founded Ludger in 1999 to develop and exploit glycomics technology for medical applications. His focus has expanded to three main areas:
1. Biopharmaceutical realisation. This centres on glycotechnologies and streamlined Quality-by-Design (QbD) workflows for development and production of safer, more effective and more affordable glycoprotein therapeutics.
2. Medical glycomics for chronic diseases. The main activities in this area are development of glycomics-based methods for early warning identification and stratification of chronic diseases (CDs). Daryl's emphasis is on five main groups of CDs: metabolic and endocrine disorders, inflammatory conditions, cardiovascular diseases, cancers and degenerative diseases of the brain.
3. Precision healthcare. This includes development of a framework for effective and affordable selfcare pathways for increased healthspan by slowing or preventing progression of chronic diseases. The aim is to provide a model of true preventative healthcare that can deliver lasting improvements in the health trajectories of individuals at population scale using lifestyle medicine. The current focus is on self-care pathways for diabetes prevention focussing on Type 2 and gestational sub-types of diabetes. These models will be exploited via a collaboration with Avenna Ltd - a sister company to Ludger.
In addition to glycotechnology, Daryl has keen interests in medical applications of graph theory, human evolution and ethnobiology. He's also more than slightly obsessed with fat bellies (i.e. central adiposity) - where they come from and how to get rid of them without fuss.
Daryl's short biography